Linguistic Policy

1. Goal

1.1. To guide Swimming New Brunswick in its use of both official languages in its activities.

2. Field of Application

2.1. This policy applies to Swimming New Brunswick and its activities. It also applies to its partners when they are “doing business” with SNB, including but not limited to Provincial/Territorial Associations, Sponsors, Suppliers, Promoters, and all sport agencies.

3. Definitions

3.1. Both official languages: English and French.

3.2. Events: All events sanctioned by SNB.

4. Principles

4.1. Swimming New Brunswick recognizes English and French as its official languages.

5. Policy Statement

5.1. Natation New Brunswick is committed to providing its members with services and information in the members’ official language of preference.

6. Provisions

6.1. Communications

6.1.1 Letters: All letters and other forms of written communications received by SNB should be replied to in the originating language.

6.1.2 News releases: News releases intended for the public-at-large are to be issued simultaneously in English and in French.

6.1.3 Documents: Any documents intended for SNB’s membership or the general public are to be issued in English and in French. Examples of such publications are the Annual Report and Operational Manual.

6.1.4 Website: Any information posted on the SNB website is to be issued simultaneously in English and in French.

6.1.5 Notices: All notices in SNB offices are to be in English and in French.

6.1.6 Verbal Communication: Any person contacting SNB will be able to communicate in their official language of preference.

6.2. Forms and contracts

6.2.1 Forms: Forms created for SNB’s membership and/or the general public are to be in English and in French.

6.2.2 Contracts: Contracts are to be prepared in the language of preference of the contracted person. Examples of such contracts include Athlete agreements, Promoter Agreements, Sponsor Agreements, & Team Selection Agreements, etc.

6.3. Advertising

6.3.1 Any advertising initiated by SNB (print, radio, video, television) is to be produced in the language appropriate for the type of media and, where possible, available for distribution in English and in French upon request.

6.4. Events

6.4.1 All events and/or functions sponsored by SNB, or its partners are to be presented in English and in French.

7. Review and Approval

7.1. This policy was approved by the Swimming New Brunswick Executive on the ___day of ______, 200__.

7.2. Date of last review: 2018

7.3. Original Policy Lead: